Other Projects

Here are a few of my non-game related projects.

Personal Game Console

Okay so I lied, this is totally a game related project. For my 6.115 (Microcontroller Project Lab) final project, I designed and built my very own 8-bit game console. The only games I ended up making for it were Pong and the light-cycle game from Tron. What else would you ever need?

  • Status: Completed yet dismantled :(
  • Check out a video of it in action here.

Ray Tracer

Yup, this also kinda has something to do with games. For 6.837 (Computer Graphics) I coded up my own Ray Tracer.

  • Status: Completed
  • Check out some of the images it's capable of rendering here.

High School Projects

Here's a link to some of the stuff I worked on in high school when I was just a lad. Most of it is physics applets.

  • Status: Really Old